About Bowen
The Bowen Technique (also known as Bowtech - the Original Bowen Technique and Bowenwork) is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that was developed by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong, Australia. Sometimes called the homeopathy of bodywork, it utilizes subtle inputs to the body (known as moves), stimulating the body to heal itself, often profoundly.
The Bowen Technique offers tremendous benefit to clients. It can provide relief for many types of injuries and other health problems, both acute and chronic, and it does so holistically, via the body's innate healing mechanisms. The practitioner's moves deliver signals to the nervous system at specific locations (on muscles, tendons, ligaments or fascia), and the body responds in its own time, within its vital capacity. This stimulation produces profound relaxation and balance in the muscular structure of the body allowing the skeleton to realign where necessary. There are a few, very specific situations in which a particular 'procedure' is contraindicated, Bowen Technique is appropriate for people of all ages, in all degrees of health.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about my services, call or drop me an email, I’d love to chat to you.
How I Found Bowen
By Sarah Phillips Bowen Therapist BA(UK)
After feeling lethargic for an extended time I visited a gut health mentor, who put me through their program which included giving up caffeine, sugar, carbohydrates, alcohol and pain killers for 21 days. Through my consultation it was highlighted just how dependent I had become on painkillers in day-to-day life. 2 days into the program my whole body felt inflamed and after 3 days of agony and excruciating sciatica I paused the program. That was when my gut health mentor suggested Bowen Therapy as an alternative treatment for pain relief.
I had my first Bowen therapy appointment within a few days. I had to Google Bowen Therapy as I didn’t really understand what it was or how it worked, regardless I went in with an open mind. I was initially underwhelmed by the session, but followed the aftercare instructions nevertheless. To my surprise I became very sleepy that afternoon and had THE most amazing sleep that night. Over the following days the sciatica pain lessened, and I resumed the gut health program. By my 3rd appointment, 2 weeks in, I was pain free and no longer using painkillers. I was absolutely amazed!
I have been interested in alternative therapies for years and was shocked that I had never heard of Bowen Therapy before. I decided that more people needed to know about this and I wanted to become a practitioner myself. Whilst sharing my experience, to anyone that would listen, over the coming days, a friend mentioned that her best friend is a Bowen instructor for ‘The Original Bowen Technique’ which originated in Australia and as a born and bred Aussie, it couldn’t have been more fitting.
Two years later I’m a fully trained Bowen therapist. My sciatica very rarely shows up, and if it does I simply go back for a realignment / maintenance session - with no need for pain killers. Bowen really has changed my life.
I have obtained a Full Membership with the Bowen Association UK as a Working Bowen Practitioner
Requirements for a full membership include:
Pass Modules 1-7 of Bowtech ‘The Original Bowen Technique’
Pass Anatomy & Physiology Examinations
Hold Insurance cover
Hold a current First Aid certificate
Provide 16 hours of CPD evidence annually
I studied to be a Bowen therapist with Bowtech ‘The Original Bowen Technique’.
I am a Member of the Bowen Association UK